Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Avoid Common Beginner Poker Mistakes - Part 2

6. Bluffing too much and too often is an extremely common mistake rookies make. Most new players that have watched too many movies seem to have convinced themselves that poker is all about bluffing. Somehow, they think that if they just keep betting, everyone will fall into their bluff and get out of their way. The opposite is true. Experienced poker players catch on to the habitual bluffer very fast, and they use it against him.

7. Trying to look as the tough guy, or the big shot at the table by playing limits you can not afford is another common mistake. Nothing is more harmful to your confidence, and your bankroll, than gambling with your rent or bill money, basically with money you can not afford to gamble away. Due to the pressure this will create on you, you can not make smart decisions when you are worrying about how you are going to pay the rent if you will lose. It is always best for you to play within a budget you can afford.

8. When ahead at the game, you should not be in a hurry to take your winnings and run. There is no system for figuring out when you should keep on playing and when it is time to pack up and leave. The best is not to make a plan as far as when to leave. Many rookies seem to hit and run after very small wins, yet they continue to play when they are behind. When you are on a winning role, you have a powerful table presence and you should exploit that presence to the max. On the other hand when you are losing, that image at the table is tarnished and can have a negative effect on the way you play the game.

9. Over-blown egos will always get players, especially rookies. Remember that even if you were top tog player at home. The casino and especially the tournament scene is completely different and you are not as good as you might think you are. Once you realize that you do not know everything about poker is the day that you might start learning a thing or two and have a better chance at winning. It is always important to be objective about your poker abilities or disabilities as the case might be.

10. Playing after you have lost a few hands to the point that it damaged your faith or self confidence in your game, is not a good idea. Keep in mind that every poker player losses a few hands. The best thing to do is to just walk away ,clear your mind and come back when your confidence came back. A player that losses his confidence in his game yet continues to play will dig himself further in the hole, since he is not playing with a cool mind, and therefore with bad judgment.

Now that you have read these 10 key points for rookies to remember, let them soak in, memorize the does and don'ts and abide by them.

Source: Poker Articles at Hustle Cards


Dominic said...
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Dominic said...

Great tips. I also find that leak finder type videos where an experienced player comments on a beginner play will also highlight lots of leaks, like not playing dominated hands out of position etc.

Here's a great poker training resourse which is aimed at helping micro stake no limit players.

Watch Free Poker Training Videos

It's free so should help these guys start building a roll.