Thursday, January 18, 2007

An Introduction to the Poker Freerolls

Are you new to online poker? Maybe you are new to poker period and would like to learn? You know you can play for free at all online poker sites using free chips. This is a great way to tweak your game. Most sites also however host freerolls in which you can win real money prizes with no risk or investment. The site puts up a prize for the top finishers and anyone is free to join these tournaments. These prizes range from $50 to $5000 spread among the top finishers with the biggest recorded freeroll in history being the Paradise Poker Million Dollar Freeroll. This freeroll is so huge that it has been widely advertised on television.

If you feel like your uncomfortable playing for real money just yet or you don't have the bankroll to cover any possible losses, then freerolls are your answer. If you finish in the money you can even snowball that free money into a large bankroll. There have been stories recently of people cashing out over two thousand dollars all off a $35 freeroll win.

For more information visit - Poker Articles at Hustle Cards

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