Saturday, September 15, 2007

BackgammonMasters offers Games with No Rake

I like playing backgammon. It is a fun game of skill and strategy. But when I enter a casino setting, my game of choice is Blackjack . I've always loved the game, and have ever since I learned it as a kid. Figuring out how to get to 21 is a lot of fun for me -- and I'm pretty good at it. And now I am pleased to see that one of my backgammonfavorite sites,, is offering blackjack to interested players.

This will be a great site for eh online gaming community. After all, is available in 10 different languages, allows for chat capabilities, and now, with its Blackjack game, will allow for 5-player games and the possibility of viewing a game in progress for a while before jumping in. Those are some neat features, and are expected to produce a 300% increase in traffic for

Now you have seen my previous posts about this backgammon site in the past,, and their fantastic, high-quality offerings. With this expanded offering, there is even more of a reason for you to visit as they seek to dominate the world of online games of skill.

One neat thing about the neblackjack offering is that you can now log on and play up to four different games at once in their rich. three-dimensional gaming environment. You certainly can't do that in Vegas or Atlantic City, can you? Of course not -- you can only play one game at a time. And of course, you can also play Backgammon, Poker and Perudo at the site as well, so you really do have some incredible gaming opportunities available to you.

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